Tuesday 2 June 2009

Money, Debt and Recession,

Tools of Suppression

by Kieron McFadden

This is a translation of transmissions between an orbiting survey ship and a relay station positioned somewhere beyond the orbit of Saturn. Subject: survey expedition's analysis of causes of malfunction of Earth's global human community.
Earth Survey to Mission Operations, Confederation City, Arcturus IX: 141402 Galactic Standard. Preliminary Report.

Greetings! Field studies of the difficulties suffered by the human communities on this planet yield a broad overview of several interwoven influences that are causing them to malfunction. The first of these influences can be identified as the absence of a proper money system.

The human community of Earth has a system in place which it calls "money". But a close examination of how this "money" is created, circulated and employed as the means of exchange of goods and services reveals that it is not money at all per any workable definition of money. It is in fact DEBT, which is the opposite of money.

Hardly anyone on the planet realizes that its means of exchange is bogus and counterfeit – or if they know it, they are keeping quiet about it.

Thus, the unworkable use of DEBT as money has escaped notice as the primary cause of the economic upheavals and instability of the past several centuries. It is by the same token a primary factor in the inhibition and constriction of social and technological advancement.

Rigellian Logics
Per the basic Rigellian Logics we learned at pre-cadet school back home on Arcturus IX, a problem will persist unless and until its exact cause is correctly identified and removed; addressing as the cause that which is not in fact the cause of a problem will compound the problem. An incorrect solution to a problem will itself become an additional problem. If a problem persists despite efforts to handle, the actual cause has not been located and removed. If a problem compounds or worsens, a false cause has been addressed.

Criminal Elite
A criminal elite known as "International Banking" evidently conceived the bogus money system and duped governments into adopting it. The aforementioned criminal elite is able to use this system of counterfeit money as a tool for controlling the wealth of the entire planet and achieving dominion over all its inhabitants.

From our cursory study of Earth’s history, the source of Earth’s problems with economic instability the bogus money system created fostered and perpetuated by the International Banking Elite has never been addressed and removed. Over time almost everything but the correct cause has been blamed. Not surprisingly, Earth’s economic mire has deepened.

Echelons of Power on Earth
At this time and due to the existence of the aforementioned money scam, government on Earth forms at best a second tier of administration, with a Corporate/Banking stratum as the senior echelon. Quite possibly there exists a further, as yet unidentified, echelon above the Corporate/Banking cartels – either terrestrial or extra-terrestrial in origin. This will require further study to verify.

Most of the inhabitants of Earth believe government to be the senior control echelon despite all evidence to the contrary. This misconception, coupled with a non-understanding of the money system – causes the population to endure a perpetual bafflement over the antics and apparent ineptitude of Earth’s governments.

A Cruel and Audacious Scam
As a criminal scam, the money hoax is remarkable both for its audacity and for the damage one small minority of humans is prepared to inflict upon the majority of its fellows so as to achieve material wealth.

The victims of this scam – ninety nine percent of the inhabitants of the planet – have not spotted that they are being done. The extent of their obliviousness actually beggars belief. Careful examination of the situation nevertheless confirms that the obliviousness is factual.

The slowness of the human community to notice the very obvious fact that it is attempting to use a dangerously unworkable system of debt as its means of exchange can be attributed to the efforts of the criminal elite to protect its privilege. That privilege is the right given to it by governments of creating money as interest bearing debt and getting it into circulation by lending it to people and governments at interest.

Smoke Screen of Waffle
The aforementioned criminal elite uses its control of lines of communication and information and its control of places of learning to erect a smoke screen of confusing waffle that renders its money hoax hard to see.

At the same time, control by the criminal elite of almost all economic life and its power to create economic strife, recession and the demise of entire sectors by manipulation of the money supply has created in the general population a sense of "forces at work beyond its control." This sense of hidden and insurmountable powers at work has engendered a general apathy.

Humans are prone to hysteria when threatened by influences they cannot see (such as radiation, diseases, global warming) and the hysteria can rapidly descend into apathy – the avoidance of pain through unawareness. Apathy has rendered the general population fatalistic and unmotivated even in the face of economic blight.

In this way the general population through its acquiescence contributes to its own ignorance, its ignorance perpetuates the existence of a criminal system beyond its control and thus the criminal elite continues to operate its money scam and gorge with impunity upon the wealth created by others.

This scam at this time has been swung into its "recession" phase. A money shortage has been created, causing a recession, which in turn causes the failures of governments and industries, necessitating the selling off of or repossession of private and national assets.

The purpose of recession is to enable the banking elite and its symbiotes to cream off some of the wealth created by the honest endeavors of the global community and to fix the community at large more firmly in the vice of debt slavery. The ultimate objective of this elite is a slave society of "all work for no reward."

The consequences of this global scam have been devastating. Poverty spreads epidemic-like through the global community and with it debt and debt slavery. Almost all economic life at this time has become debt-driven. In train, comes a gradual withering of the productive base and commercial infrastructure of nations.

This single factor alone is capable of bringing down the current civilization. In fact, the process of annihilation is more than 75% complete at this writing.

The ease with which the whole situation could be rectified by the introduction of a proper money system eludes the population and its puppet governments.

Please stand by for further updates.

Mission Operations, Confederation City, Arcturus IX to Earth Survey.

Earth Survey to Mission Operations.
Do you require clarification?

Mission Operations to Earth Survey.
You lost us at "Greetings…"

We did not understand a word of your report.

Please start by explaining three things:
1. Who creates money on that planet? Is it not the government? How can money be created as debt?
2. What is a recession? We gather it is some kind of artificial money shortage. Please explain how this is done.
3. You alluded to other factors precipitating the manifest decline of that planet’s civilization. What are those factors?

Earth Survey to Mission Ops.
Explanation will commence with next telemetric burst 141405 Galactic Standard…..

About The Author

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